Young adventurer Gipo owns one fifth of a rock illustrating the location of a rich gold mine. Risking his life more than once and with the help of the beautiful hooker, Lulu Belle, our hero sets out to recover the missing pieces.
This movie delivers all of the great characters you would expect in a film about Tombstone. The Earp Brothers, The Clanton Brothers, Doc Holliday, Johnny Ringo etc. and great gunfights. What the film delivers, is a multitude of pieces of the puzzle that complete the story, not just about why the gunfight happened but the real history about what led up to it
Outlaw gun for hire Jericho (played by Michael Pare) is on the run from the law when he finds himself tangled in a situation that will fundamentally change his life, his views and his beliefs forever.
The story of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a brilliant and very controversial Confederate general in the War Between the States. Even now, more than 150 years after the end of the war, Forrest has remained surrounded in controversy.
Weapons dealers Abdullah and Ziya have been friends for a long time, but what are you supposed to do when your friend commits an unspeakable crime? And what does Abdullah's decision mean for his plans in life?
Kidd Mane is a lion cub without a home - that is, until he wanders into the western settlement of Tuckerville, which happens to be a town without a sheriff. Meeting folks and making friends, Kidd applies for the job and, with a little help from the long-suffering town council - Judge Ryker, Miss Scarlet, and Miss Clarabelle - he becomes the new sheriff of Tuckerville!
Fur trappers Abel and Henry Iron struggle to make a living in a dying industry in the Rocky Mountains. Following in their late father's footsteps, they travel the mountains searching for beaver, carving out a meager existence in the western wilderness. When Abel encounters a band of Shoshone Indians, a misunderstanding leaves one indian dead and the Iron Brothers on the run. Together, Abel and Henry flee into the mountains to escape the warriors that are pursuing them. In the end, they will learn if the bond of brotherhood is enough to save them.
Wild Bill Hickok has faced many challenges on his quest to redeem himself from a colorful past as an outlaw and gunslinger. He settles as a lawman in a small town, trying to enjoy a much quieter life. Marcus Roby and his band of outlaws threaten to destroy the sleepy town after a gambling dispute. Bill must pull the demons out of his past to gain the strength and courage to defend the place that he calls home and the good people in it.
Anthony Steffen, as a young gunman who works as a circus performer, witnesses the killing of some outlaws, carried out by their leader and is credited with the deed. Steffen suffers from a complex which blocks him in front of any violence and makes him appear cowardly, so when a young boy is kidnapped he must find a way to regain his composure.
A bunch of outlaws awaits the release from prison of an old goldminer, believed to have hidden 28 sacks of gold 20 years before... They all want the old man to speak, but only one of them will fulfill his dream.
The year is 1879. Gunfighters from the far reaches of the globe descend on Religion, AZ to compete in a legendary poker tournament. Drawn by the gold prize, the players come to realize that in this game, their very souls are at stake.
In a frontier town between the USA and Mexico, Sancho and his gang assault a monastery, kill a few monks who try to oppose the invasion of the sacred building, and get away with a work of art in gold and diamonds. Andrej, a lonesome cowboy, is informed of his brother's death, one of the monks, and starts a search for the gang. Among the lawless and godless men, a fight for getting the better part of the loot is taking place and blood is flowing as much as bullets.
Ann Fenwick is a witness to a bank robbery in the U.S. and the bandits, led by Trigger and Leon capture her and when she disappears, a warrant is issued for her arrest as a material witness. The bank robbers flee across the border into Canada where they steal a trailer in which they lock Ann and the loot. The hitch breaks and the trailer plunges into a lake. Sergeant Renfrew and Constable Kelly, of the Canadian Mounties, rescue Ann and she tells them she is a hitch-hiking tourist and gives a false name. Renfrew sends Kelly for aid, Ann escapes and Kelly returns with the news that she is wanted. The leader of the gang, Cardigan, sends the gang back for Ann and the loot, which Ann has hidden in a trappers cabin, just before Trigger recaptures her. Renfrew goes to her rescue, but is also captured. But reliable Constable Kelly is somewhere in the woods.
Fiery blonde half-breed Yellow Hair and her easygoing sidekick the Pecos Kid are after a fortune in Mayan gold. The courageous duo have run-ins with an army of Mexican soldiers, a gang of dastardly bandits, and a lethal tribe of Aztec warriors while searching the countryside for said gold fortune.
A bounty hunter wants to catch the Bandit Carson because he has a lot of people in his gang who are worth a lot of money. When he comes into White City he gets his first problems with Carson's son Lucas. After this incident Carson wants this man dead. They can catch him but not for a long time because he can escape with the help of Zoppo who the bounty hunter had helped a couple of days before.
Chip has inherited a supposedly worthless gold mine from her father and Craig Allen is about to buy it. Roy suspects the mine may be valuable and using a clue left by Chip's father, investigates. He finds the hidden shaft that contains the gold and with the posse chasing him on a trumped up robbery charge, races to town with ore samples hoping to get there before the ownership is transferred.
When three Texas Rangers try to investigate kidnapped Mexicans being used as forced labor in the mines of Silver Bullet, they are framed for murder by the town's corrupt sheriff.