Manuel and Carga are after the hidden map of a gold mine which is somewhere in the hacienda willed to Manuel's brother, Don Careta. Following the third midnight raid on his home, Don Careta is fearful for the safety of his daughter Wanda, and sends for Jack Martin to help him.
Jackie, a 16-year-old runaway in the Old West, searches for her lost horse. Along her way, she encounters a man who may not have the best intentions for her.
Stone is buying cattle cheap in Mexico, bringing them across the border without paying duty, changing the brands, and then selling them at a big profit. When Jack Rowan arrives and buys the vacant ranch used by Stone to sneak his cattle across the border, Stone sends out his henchmen to finish Jack off.
Young Phoebe Mosey (Jamie Lee Curtis) defies expectations and proves herself to become "Little Miss Sure Shot" Annie Oakley, the legendary sharpshooter and "Wild West" icon.
Twin brothers Bob and Don Ramsay are on opposite sides of the law. Bob is the Sheriff and Don is the famous outlaw the Black Bandit. When the Black Bandit strikes, he is seen and his look-alike brother Bob arrested. Refusing to implicate his brother, Bob escapes and heads after Don.
When a burglary takes an awkward turn, a young thief encounters an old man seeking a fatal reunion with his wife. Following the perspective of the thief, we witness his journey of emotions: from getting caught up in an absurd situation to growing a kin-like bond to the old man before fulfilling his final wish. Through this implausible journey, love unfolds with genuine simplicity and a bittersweet ending.
Frank, riding through the storm, approaches the station, to give ten thousand dollars worth of gold, which he has just brought from the mine, into safe keeping. Dave the agent hears him, and when he finally appeared, disappointment awaited Frank. "I can't take charge of the money," says Dave. "I'm sorry, Frank, but the train is late, and the gold can't go on tonight. I saw two suspicious-looking characters hanging around here, and I won't take the responsibility."