Patsy, the cook of the "Flying U" ranch, is passionately fond of canned corn. Every time he goes to town to buy supplies for the camp, cases of canned corn head the list. Patsy may forget at times to order a special brand of tobacco for the boys, or some of the trimmings that go to make a camp dinner more acceptable, but he never fails to order the canned corn.
Elsie's idea of a real man was a dummy dressed like a cowboy, reckless and wild and woolly. Wallace Carey, a gallant city businessman, rich, attractive, and well dressed, was in love with her, but she wanted a real cowboy for a husband.
Luke Barns obtains employment with a moving picture concern as a cowboy and declares himself capable of performing any or all feats such as cowboys are supposed to perform.
The story is of a Redman, a civilized Indian, who takes into his home a wounded gambler, shot while escaping the sheriff. The gambler has no honor and wins the affections of Bounding Fawn, the Redman's pretty squaw. The Indian discovers the gambler's treachery, and throws him together with Bounding Fawn, out of the cabin.
A Mexican leaves his wife and family with hunger staring them in the face to get a job on the "Rocking Chair" Ranch, so that he can supply them with life's necessities. Mexicans are not popular at the ranch and the new man is bullied and persecuted until he tries to kill his foreman, whereupon he is kicked out. He plans to burn the ranch buildings out of revenge.
Mabel Madden, thrown upon her own resources, inherits a saloon from her father. She is somewhat infatuated with Tom Mason, against whom suspicions have been aroused of rustling cattle from the neighboring ranchmen. But she is also a great admirer of the intrepid sheriff.
A Texas settler and his daughter, Sally, start on a journey in a prairie schooner after bidding farewell to Sally's mother and to Tom, the ranger, who is operating in the neighborhood on a lookout for cattle rustlers and illicit whiskey sellers. The great wagon is hauled out of the corral by a pair of spirited horses, while ranger Tom departs to take up the trail of a "bootlegger" who is reported to have been operating among the Indians thereabouts.
The Ridin' Fool presented the bantamweight star as Steve Kendall, a young cowboy saving gambler Boston Harry from being hanged by a group of vigilantes who accuse him of having killed Jim Beckworth. The fugitives hide out at Juanita's hacienda and while their mercenary hostess decides how to best fleece her guests, the posse arrives.
Tom Jackson, a young man of good family, is elected sheriff. He is in love with Nell Turner, whose brother, Jack, is a reckless young fellow and belongs to a gang of bank robbers. Tom is popular and loves Nell dearly, while she returns his affections, and they have announced their engagement. Nell has a deep, sisterly love for her scapegrace brother Jack
Tom Bates is living in the city enjoying a liberal fortune left him by an uncle recently deceased. When Tom received his fortune he was working on a ranch as a cowboy and was a top-notcher, too. In the city he has met May, a charming and beautiful girl, who is engaged to marry him. Tom rescues a forlorn girl in the park from a ruffian. May breaks the engagement.
Steve Lannon is a retired gunman and reformed-outlaw who has left his ranch and is living in seclusion in San Francisco. He receives word that rustlers are on the rampage in the area of his ranch, and have stolen his horse, Silver. Steve returns to Nevada to take care of this matter.