A man with a bounty on his head joins a game of high stakes poker against three strangers who bet with more than just money and have plenty of time to kill.
Jack Howard, returning from the war, learns that his father, Sheriff Howard, has been killed by an unknown assailant, and he induces the mayor of Gold Strike to swear him in as sheriff.
Ned Raleigh, a cowboy on the Stone Ranch, is laughed at by his pal Rawhide Barton for emulating his chivalrous namesake, Sir Walter Raleigh. Manning, an eastern capitalist, agrees to make Stone a loan to pay off his mortgage if he surrenders 200 head of cattle as security; Manning, after he discovers oil on the property, conspires with Blake, Stone's foreman, to hide the stock, and thus secure the land for himself.
Alaire Austin runs a cattle ranch along the Texas-Mexican border with her corrupt husband Ed. After Texas ranger Dave Law saves her from dying of thirst in the desert, the two fall in love. Mexican bandit Longorio, who longs to possess the beautiful Alaire, orders his men to kill her husband and take control of the ranch. The bandit captures Alaire and forces an old priest to marry them, but before the ceremony can be performed, Dave arrives and secretly marries her himself. The couple escapes and seeks refuge in a little house just inside the Mexican border, but Longorio's men pursue them and set the building on fire. Just in time, a force of United States cavalrymen arrives and conducts the couple across the Rio Grande to safety.
Jango Bravo terrorizes a small town in the "sertão", killing in cold blood everyone who makes fun of him. After parading his evil in the city's pubs, Jango decides to go to the local church to murder the priest, but an unexpected miracle makes him rethink his attitudes.
It is a fictional film directed by the amateur director in Super 8 Dr. Jorge N. Mario in 1971. It is a western that takes place in a hypothetical region of Mexico, and narrates the adventures of a man seeking revenge.
Set in the world of cowboys, the sharpshooter Eddy Sud saves Vivi, Bing’s daughter. Bing himself receives a threat from a bandit group and because of that contracts Eddy Sud to help him.
The first, and apparently only, surviving film produced by the Colorado Motion Picture Company, Pirates of the Plains is a quite well-made story about two brothers, one a champion rodeo rider, the other a horse thief.
Sheriff Jack Norton is badly wounded in a gun battle with bandits and is helped by Anita Parsons, the daughter, as he later learns, of the bandit leader. Torn between his love for the girl and his devotion to duty, Jack decides the latter is too strong to resist.
Cowboy Andy Hubbard becomes known as a “yellow back” because of his fear of horses and is fired by rancher Bruce Condon. Andy soon finds work with neighbor John Pendleton, and love with Anne, the boss’s daughter. When Anne urges Andy to ride, he hides his phobia, leading Pendleton to assume that he is a good rider.
Larrabie Keller, a homesteader, is accused of being a cattle rustler, and when Keller refuses to fight Phil Sanderson, whose sister, Phyllis, has struck his fancy, he is insulted by Bill Healy, to whom he administers a severe drubbing. Phyllis, finding Keller beside a branding fire, believes him guilty; and when he is wounded by Healy, she takes Keller to Yeager, another homesteader, who cares for him and to whom he reveals that he is a Texas Ranger.