Snake, a notorious outlaw, robs the general store. True Boardman, the sheriff, and a posse starts out after him. Snake riddles the sheriff's hat with bullets and the sheriff and posse run under cover. Boardman resigns. The village trustees appoint a new sheriff. Snake writes a note saying he will be in Kelly's saloon that night.
Desperate tactics are usually used in a feud. Broncho Billy's father determined to soothe his passion with revenge, starts out after John Mackley. Broncho Billy persuades his father to keep cool. Mackley, however, gets his revenge by shooting his daughter's sweetheart, Broncho Billy. On his knees Broncho Billy crawls to his home, where his father takes him in
Broncho Billy, in love with Bessie Hendricks, the daughter of the ranch owner for whom he is working, discovers to his sorrow that the pretty girl is in love with Ralph Spaulding, the pony express rider. Heartsore, Broncho Billy enters a saloon and proceeds to get intoxicated.
Broncho Billy intoxicated, enters Brown's general store, knocks over a barrel of brooms, and is about to help himself to the chewing tobacco, when the grocer interferes. Brown finally shoots Broncho Billy in the wrist. Mary Walker, a villageite enters, and discovering Broncho Billy suffering from the wound, washes and bandages it for him.
John Harlan, a crazy prospector living with his daughter in Nevada, accidentally discovers gold. He is so enthused over it that he immediately goes to the town saloon, where he informs everybody.
Broncho Billy, owner of a saloon in Big Horn City, is trusted implicitly by the miners in the surrounding territory. Several of them have gathered at the bar, when Broncho Billy receives a note, stating that the stage-coach will not stop at Big Horn until the following day. The men request Broncho Billy to keep their gold until the coach arrives.
The infant love of a son for his mother, prompted Broncho Billy to secure money by fair means or foul to save her home. In the first place he sold his gun for almost nothing and gambled the receipts which he lost. That night, when all was still, Broncho Billy stole twelve horses
When a woman's heart turns to stone, that is the time to watch out for her, for the possibilities are that you win lose her. This was Broncho Billy's experience, anyhow.
Broncho Billy, suffering from a fever, collapses on the doorstep of a ranchman's home. John Harding, returning from his work, carries Broncho Billy into the house and places him on the bed. A doctor is summoned. A few weeks later, Broncho Billy now fully recovered thanks Harding and his wife for their kind treatment and returns to town where he is greeted with a welcome hand by everyone. Two or three days later Fred Church, hiding behind a tree opposite to Harding's home, sees the latter leave. Church forces his attentions on Mrs. Harding. Returning to his home Harding is informed by his wife of what had happened during his absence.
Broncho Billy's sister, Geraldine, is in love with Fred Church, a worthless sort. Broncho Billy discovers Fred Church, the lover, in the town saloon filling himself full of liquor. Church requests Broncho Billy to drink with him, but the latter refuses emphatically. A little later Geraldine confesses her love for Church to her brother.
Broncho Billy is in love with Agnes Shephard. The jealousy of the step-sister Evelyn arouses in her a scheme which, if carried out, would result in the breaking of the engagement.
Broncho Billy, half crazed with liquor, enters a saloon and demands a bottle of whiskey. This he absorbs about half, which places his physical and mental condition in a state of sub-consciousness. Completely intoxicated, Broncho Billy is placed on his horse and led away. Having ridden a few miles in this condition, he falls off his mount unconscious. Mabel Clark, a squatter's daughter, discovers him by the roadside, washes off his aching brow, and brings him to.
Jim Hendricks receives a letter from his daughter in the east stating that she is on her way and will arrive with her little girl that day. The stagecoach carrying her from the railroad station, some miles from her father's home, meets with an accident. While repairing the vehicle of ancient times, Bessie Hendricks' young daughter, canters off into the woods in search of wild flowers. Bessie runs after her. Having captured the young rascal and returning to the road Bessie discovers the coach has gone on its journey.
Broncho Billy, haying disturbed the laws of the state, is thrown into jail. The warden hands the outlaw a cup of water and a piece of stale bread. The latter grabs the warden's hand, pulls it through the bars and threatens the former with a broken arm unless he unlocks the door. Broncho Billy, having gained his freedom, takes to the woods.
Broncho Billy, baring received a letter from an old friend of his, Steve Brady, requesting him to take care of his child. Brady dies and the child, a young girl of eight, is sent to the far western country where her now departed father knew that she would grow up to be an honorable and true daughter of his native country.
Broncho Billy is seen smoking a cigar in a general store in the far west. An Indian enters, who tries to force his attentions on a young girl. The Indian is rejected by Broncho. The Indian swears revenge.
The sheriff of Sioux County, Arizona, is notified to locate the bandits' rendezvous. Carl Waters, the sheriff, scouts the country and finally locates them. Returning to the town saloon and dance hall Waters, who is smitten with the fair Caroline Heston, proposes to her. She promises to give her answer the following day.
Broncho Billy's brother, Dick, is madly in love with Nellie Parsons. Jack Dupont, a mining engineer from the east sees pretty Miss Parsons and becomes infatuated with her. Not waiting for an introduction, Dupont follows and introduces himself. A few days later, Dupont proposes and is accepted. Nellie returns the engagement ring to Dick.
Jim Clay, a rough western ranchman, kisses his daughter goodbye, and departs for the town saloon. Entering, he sees four of his comrades finishing a game of cards. Broncho Billy, one of them, wins all the money. Clay exits and seats himself on a barrel in front of the place. Broncho, with his winnings, departs from the saloon, meets Clay and together they proceed to the ranchman's home.
After holding up a stage-coach, Broncho Billy disappears into the woods on horseback. The driver of the coach unhitches one of the horses and rides to the nearest town, notifies the sheriff, who goes in pursuit with the posse.