Seth Perkins, a prospector, has two daughters. Mabel and Vedah. Vedah is a cripple, and the town doctor writes her father it will be necessary to operate to cure her and the expense will be one hundred dollars. Perkins has no such sum and is in despair.
Bart Darrow, a young cowboy, is engaged to pretty Betty King and has put the engagement ring on her finger. Betty promises to always be true and Bart departs joyfully. In the town saloon he sets up the drinks in honor of the occasion.
Dave Trent is employed on the Big C ranch and lives with his sister, Mary, a charming girl. Jim Andrews, foreman of the ranch, loves Mary, and one morning calls to put the engagement ring on her finger.
Jim Morris, a young prospector, plans a trip into the great desert to search for gold. Before he leaves, Morris places an engagement ring on the finger of Mary, his sweetheart, and she promises to await his return.
Walter Johnson, a young college chap in the east, receives word that he has been left a legacy of one million dollars by an eccentric uncle, providing he marries the old fellow's niece who lives in Mustang, Arizona.
The Arizona Kid, a notorious outlaw, makes his escape from jail by sawing the bars from the cell window. Next morning this is discovered and reward notices are scattered broadcast offering $1,000 reward for his apprehension and giving his picture for identification.
An aged miner finds a rich gold claim, stakes it out, fills a sack with samples of the gold ore and starts back across the desert to file his claim. His water gives out, and, after days of torture, he at last falls in a clump of sagebrush. In a nearby cabin Jim Durkin and Black, his partner, are about to sit down to supper when faint cries are heard.
Alkali is considered the ranch seamstress by the boys on Hard-Up, and consequently has to sew buttons on coats and do other sewing stunts that finally wear on his nerves and decide him on the matrimony thing. One day Alkali gets the town paper and sees a "Husband Wanted" ad. A widow with a small boy and loads of money, wants to hitch up with some nice western gentleman. This is pie tor Alkali, He instantly dispatches a letter to the widow to come to Snakeville, get off at his ranch and not to "fergit her dust."
A bounty hunter in a post apocalyptic wasteland is hired to track down an outlaw. But he's not the only one out looking for her, and the job is nothing like he expected.
Jim Matthews, express agent in Red Rock, Arizona, and his daughter Alice, are watching anxiously over the bedside of Mrs. Matthews, who is very ill. An express box of money is now left by the stage and Matthews is ordered to guard it overnight. The "Arizona Kid," a notorious bandit, who has followed the stage and watched while they left the box, now gallops back to the rendezvous of his pals, tells them of the easy chance to rob the office and they start at once. Meanwhile Alice has sent her father for a doctor and is all alone with her sick mother.
Jake Willis, a timber-cutter, is felling trees with a gang of men one morning when an Indian applies for work and food, Willis hires him and tells him to do a day's work first, then eat. Stolidly the Indian agrees and leaves with an ax for the forest. Now, little Flo Willis, Jake's little girl, pities the poor man and, when her father leaves, butters a piece of bread, spreads it with jelly and takes it out to the Indian, who, although surprised, thanks her as best he can and sits down to eat.
Pasquale, half Mexican, secures work on the ranch of old Fowler. Fowler has a pretty daughter, Vedah, who teaches the district school. Pasquale meets the girl on several occasions and falls in love with her. She repulses his attentions and tries to show him his error in loving her, but Pasquale is determined and, one day, rides to the schoolhouse after the children are dismissed. Finding Vedah alone he again renews his attentions and is on the point of taking her in his arms when she holds aloft a crucifix and, terror-stricken, Pasquale hurriedly leaves.
Maizie Mackey finished with her term at boarding school in Los Angeles, leaves her sweetheart, Bud Stone, and returns to her father's ranch near Ash Forks, Cal. A few weeks later, Bud, lonesome and downhearted, wires Maizie's father that he is coming on to ask a very important question.
Broncho Billy, a lawless western renegade, reels out of the Rawhide saloon one day and comes face to face with the town preacher. The good man tries to show Broncho the error of his ways, but Broncho laughs and goes on to the Rawhide dance hall where a crowd of young people are enjoying themselves.
John Mackley is in the hands of a money-lender, and a broken leg prevents him from meeting a note when due. He succeeds in putting off the payment until a future date, in the hope that better times will come in the interim. His wife and daughter, Lucy, comprise his family. Lucy, just budding into womanhood, has formed an attachment for a young man, who had rendered herself and mother a little service one day. They have met several times and love has become mutual. She knows nothing of his avocation or his past, only that he is living in the neighborhood.
Brig Harris, a renegade Mexican, casts off his sweetheart, telling her he is tired of her. Harris and a pal now find that a shipment of ore from the Catspaw mine is to be left overnight at the house of Barnes, the town agent. A plot to rob Barnes is instantly laid. Barnes is also a doctor, and Harris lures him to his shack by shamming sickness.
Bill Simpson, a sturdy young Westerner, is made a deputy and his star is forwarded to him. Simpson is in love with pretty Olive Farnum, a daughter of the plains, and they are practically engaged. Dolores, a Mexican girl, also loves Simpson and plans to break his engagement to Olive. She enlists the aid of Pedro, a Mexican lover
The sheriff lives with his sister, and is engaged in running down an unknown bandit who has been quite active in the district. It develops that Jim Brown, a poor miner, who has lost his wife and is in straitened circumstances, has become embittered at the world and is the bandit, living alone with his little boy, Tom.