Jennie Lee and her father are on their way to Golden California, from a little Kansas farm, traveling in a prairie schooner. At the last settlement visited by the two, the old man, who has a weakness for drink, purchases several bottles of whiskey, which he begins drinking when they have made camp for the night. A lone cowboy calls upon them and finds the old man in a jovial mood and cautions him to beware of the hostile tribe of Indians, through whose country they are now traveling.
Young Jack Farson, the foreman on the "Bar O" ranch, is in love with Alice Walton, daughter of his employer. Alice rejects the young cowpuncher, but asks in a kindly way that they continue as good friends and nothing else. One day, while out on a canter, the spirited horse stubbornly refuses to ford a stream, and becoming angry endeavors to throw his fair rider.
Joe Fuller, the outlaw and bandit, draws rein at a humble cottage and begs refreshment. The traditional hospitality of the west is at once shown him by Jane White, who is alone in the house at the time, with her baby daughter. The bandit is given food and drink, while he is eating which, the baby takes a child-like fancy to him.
Dan Warrington, an outlaw, is captured by the sheriff, after the former had held up a stagecoach, and is sent to jail. After the sheriff has placed his captive under guard he goes home and is welcomed by his little daughter, a child of five. Not long after the sheriff is notified of the escape of Warrington
Richard Mead was a sheepherder who lived with his daughter in a hut in the mountains. He was hated by the cattlemen and was ordered to quit the range. Returning to his home he tells his daughter what has happened, and prepares to protect himself.
Old Jim Brown, a western ranchman, has a pretty daughter Gladys, who is loved by young Frank Carpenter, then foreman of the ranch. Brown objects to the match because he has an opportunity to marry Gladys off to a rich mine owner, seeing in this alliance the opportunity for social advancement for the girl and himself.
Broncho Billy and his pal, after robbing the stagecoach, divide the loot and part company. Among the valuables in his share. Broncho finds a well-worn Bible and, after skimming over the pages with a grim smile, he puts it in an inside pocket and rides into town.
When pretty Molly Martin comes out to the west to teach school, she is beset by many admirers. But the most persistent, and as fate often wills it, the least acceptable, is one "Bad" McGrew, town bully and a generally worthless scamp.
Carmenita is the daughter of a Mexican innkeeper and is loved by all. One day two young Mexican ruffians enter and make vulgar love to her, much to her dislike, when Frank Dougherty, a young cowpuncher enters, and protects her.
Young Frank McLain loses his position in the east, and resolves to go west to prospect for gold. Arrangements are made that he leave his wife at home, and send for her later, as soon as he has found a position. Frank's prospecting proves a failure, and he is without funds, when his plight is made more severe by receiving a letter from Alice, his wife.
Dan Coughlin, a ranger, comes upon a band of smugglers and succeeds in capturing one of them, a half-breed Mexican, "Easy" Joe by name. Joe is taken to headquarters and locked up, while all efforts to wring a confession from him as to the whereabouts of the band's rendezvous have failed. It is not long, however, before the others of the gang make an effort to liberate their pal and send an Indian to spy upon Dan and other members of the troupe.
Tony Perez, a Mexican cowpuncher, is driven from the ranch where he is employed for some misdemeanor or other, and after vainly endeavoring to find work, tries the gate of Dan Farman's ranch, "The Mosquito," and applies for a job. His hard luck story rings true and old Dan, who is of a charitable turn, puts the Mexican to work.
Old Carl Stockdale is an habitual drunkard and the cause of much unhappiness to his daughter, Marguerite. Broncho Billy meets Stockdale's charming daughter and becomes very much interested in her, and realizes the sad state of affairs in the home on account of the father's failing.
The scene is laid in the West and presents a French count, in immaculate attire, suddenly dropped among the cowboys. Following an altercation he offers to fight a duel, but when the results of a scheme arranged by the cowboys to show his opponent killing duelists by wholesale are seen, he breaks away and barely succeeds in catching the stage on his way back to the effete East, while the cowboys make merry over their successful joke.
The story is of an old man and his daughter, he so addicted to gambling that they are penniless. Because of her beauty and her pleadings the gambler gives back the money the old man has lost and thenceforth refuses to allow him to play in his place. Later he assists in preventing the old man from gambling elsewhere.
Broncho Billy wins out over his rival for the hand of a sweet country girl. Later he meets a girl from the city and falls in love with her. He goes to his fiancée and asks her for his ring back. She gives it up, though she is brokenhearted. Then Broncho goes to the city to visit the girl who had flirted with him while she was on a vacation to the country.
A Western story turning upon the cleverness of Shorty Blair, an express messenger, who assumes to be a tenderfoot and outwits a gang of desperadoes that follow him for the package of money he carries.