Caleb Breen and Lucy Oliver are sweethearts and intend to marry just as soon as Breen strikes gold. Will Drummond arrives at Hillsdale, where he visits Henry McLean, a wealthy ranchman. Ruth, the ranchman's daughter, is engaged to Drummond. The stranger from the east meets Lucy one fine October morning, and the two become quite chummy.
Considered the first spaghetti-western ever. The director Roberto Roberti being the father of Sergio Leone along with member of the cast Bice Valerian, wife of the director and mother of Sergio Leone.
Prospectors discover gold on the outskirts of Rawhide, a small town in the far west. Reuben Glen, a prospector, living in the next county, becomes discouraged and determines to try his luck elsewhere. When he arrives at Rawhide he is gently but firmly requested to remove himself immediately from the vicinity.
John Landers is sent to the drug store by his bedridden wife for some medicine. The druggist refuses him credit. Returning home his wife presents him with a letter from her brother in which he enclosed a check for fifty dollars. Landers is induced by Whiskey Bill Tate to gamble his money, which he does and loses.
Because White Dove, daughter of the Indian Chief, and Moccasin, her half-breed husband, are baptized by Donald McTavish, the new minister of Gray Rock, Ariz., they become subject for the vengeance of the Medicine Man.
Harry Keenan is in love with the pretty young school teacher of Green River, but his attentions disturb her. One day when the man is annoying her beyond all endurance, Fred Church comes to the rescue and sends Keenan about his business. The school teacher and Church immediately fall in love with each other. Some time later Keenan shoots and robs Church. The girl has arranged to meet her sweetheart at a turn of the Green River road and when he does not appear she goes in search of him. When she comes upon him lying injured in the road, he is just barely able to tell her what has happened.
Broncho Billy, sheriff of Cheyenne County, in love with Marguerite Clayton, is accepted by her. Marguerite's father approves of the engagement. Little did Broncho Billy know the father of the girl he is going to marry is a notorious outlaw. After holding up a stage one day, Clayton is pursued by the sheriff and his posse.
The sheriff of Mendocino County receives a letter from Bill Kato, proprietor of a ranch, stating that he is tired of losing his cattle and that if he can't find time to do something in the matter, he will have to see the higher authorities. The sheriff at once starts out on the trail of the rustlers.
Dr. Roland White falls in love with Marguerite, the daughter of the postmaster in a small western town. He asks her to marry him, but she refuses, as she is already engaged to Fred Church, the express messenger. Some time later, after the proposal, the doctor receives an invitation to the wedding of Church and Marguerite, which shatters what little hope he had of ever winning the girl. A few days before the marriage is to take place. Church is held up and shot by bandits, and taken, in a serious condition, to Dr. White's home.
Greed for gold, this is what has dragged many a man downward. Skinflint, a miser, not satisfied with the gold he boards, tries to make a practice of selling whiskey to the Indians, taking from them practically all the gold they possess for just a few glasses of the fire water. Skinflint might have succeeded had it not been for Bill Riley, a prospector, who quickly takes the bottle of intoxicating liquor from the Indian and smashes it on a nearby rock. Skinflint becomes enraged and determines to get even.
Robert Johnson tries to influence his daughter, Mary, to marry Dave Morgan, much against her wishes. Broncho Billy outwits the determined father, elopes with the charming Mary and makes her his wife.
Reno Bill, a desperado, discovers the sheriff and the express agent in the act of holding up the stage. The next day Reno Bill is captured by Fred Church and his young assistant, when they find him annoying a pretty young girl. They take him to jail and when the bandit sees the sheriff and agent he contemptuously tells Church of their treachery.
Jim Dolan is a prospector who incurs the hatred of Ed Jones, foreman of the Brown Ranch, because of his attentions to Grace Wellington, daughter of a nearby rancher.