The heartless woman with her partner answered the ranchero's call for a wife. Then the adventuress soon discovered she was not as heartless as she at first imagined. She learned to love and when the other man appeared to perpetrate the infamous design, true woman nature came into the struggle, saving both herself and the ranchero.
Young Cal Jim had often called upon Betty but never found the courage to propose. His pal, Mark Halworthy did, however, and Betty accepted. Disappointed, Cal asked and received a grubstake from Mark and went away into the hills to seek gold and heart balm. Two years later Mark took to gambling. He neglected Betty and, one day, intoxicated, struck her.
The pretty dancer and the casual cowboy visitor at the cabaret fell in love. A Mexican waiter loved Chiquita. A Gringo get this dainty bundle of Spanish nerves and beauty? Never! He planned to destroy the cowboy lover by a drop of poison in his cup.
Broncho Billy, in love with Bessie Hendricks, the daughter of the ranch owner for whom he is working, discovers to his sorrow that the pretty girl is in love with Ralph Spaulding, the pony express rider. Heartsore, Broncho Billy enters a saloon and proceeds to get intoxicated.
In the early days of Oklahoma, Joe Turner, his wife and two children settled on a little farm in the southern part of the state. The hardships were many as the ground was new and the Indians still aggressive and heartily detested the white man.
John Wilson goes to the mountain-town bank to draw out the pay-roll. Sam Marvin and Ed Hanley "pike" this proceeding and ride on ahead, up the road, to await the coming of the superintendent in his auto. Jim Carter, the son of Sheriff Carter, also his deputy, observes their actions, and finds their pictures in prison records.
General Gordon, of the Federal army, receives a message from General Grant, telling him to intercept important dispatches "from Lee to Webber, carried over wires" in Gordon's vicinity. Lieutenant Barrett assumes the task, takes his instruments and sets out. Colonel Webber, of the Confederate army, has a daughter Edith. Lieutenant Fairfax aspires to her hand, but his attentions only annoy her.
Broncho Billy intoxicated, enters Brown's general store, knocks over a barrel of brooms, and is about to help himself to the chewing tobacco, when the grocer interferes. Brown finally shoots Broncho Billy in the wrist. Mary Walker, a villageite enters, and discovering Broncho Billy suffering from the wound, washes and bandages it for him.
The prospector had taught the Indian boy the doctrine of peace. When his tribe resisted the attack of another tribe the boy did not take part. The din of the battle, as the horsemen circled them again and again, the moans of men caught under falling horses struck terror in the boy's heart The incensed warriors cast him from the tribe with the brand of a coward. It was then that his opportunity came to follow the white man's wonderful doctrine. "Big love man lay down life for friend,"
The newly appointed sheriff unwittingly creates the dislike of his predecessor. Result- the ex-sheriff tries a dangerous game to discredit him. When all lose faith, the wife of the youthful sheriff shows a bit of wit and a whole lot of confidence in her hubby. See how she brings right from wrong.
Big Ben from the Bar N Ranch called often on Margaret. As the two were inseparable, it soon became known that they would soon marry. This news greatly displeased Bill Higgins, who promptly set about to make trouble. He wrote an anonymous note and attached it to Ben's saddle, saying " She don't love you. She was with Bill Higgins all day yesterday. A Friend." When Ben found it he frowned and tucked it idly into his pocket. This happened regularly thereafter. If Ben had been a trifle older he might have smiled derisively, but he didn't. Youth and jealousy are old acquaintances and so Ben made his visits shorter and shorter. One day, lonesomeness overcame him and he sent the notes in a bundle to Margy. She read them and promptly burst into tears.
Through the efforts of the Rev. John Drummond, who comes to a small western mining town with his little boy, all the saloons are closed. Jim Howe and his daughter, Nell, being unable to carry on a liquor business in the town, move to the mountains, where he runs an illicit still and continues to supply whiskey to the Indians. The sheriff gets on his trail and he is soon placed in the custody of the law. Nell, determining to avenge herself for the capture of her father, fires n shot into a party of hostile Indians, secreting herself in a bush as she does so. The Indians, seeing the soldiers coming, and thinking that they fired the shot, rush at them, but are defeated. This plan of revenge having failed, she makes her way to the minister's home, but is prevented from doing any harm to him by the maternal instinct which rises in her when she sees his little boy praying for his mother in heaven.
The tenderfoot came into camp with his ill-gotten money intending to purchase a claim. The faker salted a claim, hoping thereby to secure the money. But the gambler got ahead of him through cheating at cards. Later the tenderfoot sought to regain his money and in the struggle it fell into worthier hands.
John Harlan, a crazy prospector living with his daughter in Nevada, accidentally discovers gold. He is so enthused over it that he immediately goes to the town saloon, where he informs everybody.
Ben Hart, the youthful mining expert, arrived at Red Rock and promptly sought out pretty Mabel Whitaker and her mother, who had inherited a map purporting to lead to a gold deposit. Ben made an appointment to look at the deposit and did so - quite unaware that Jim Halliday, with two bad pals, kept close watch of his every movement.
David Morgan, a cowpuncher, is informed by Doctor Harding that the former's wife is in a serious condition and must be taken from the high altitude. An Indian horse thief shows David a way to make some money easy. That night, the Indian and the cowpuncher steal two horses. The Indian is captured by Broncho Billy, the sheriff, and squeals on Morgan. Dorothy, the cowpuncher's child, informs her father that a posse is coming up the road. Morgan instructs his child to say nothing to the men concerning his whereabouts. The cowpuncher crawls into the loft and pulls the ladder up after him. Broncho Billy enters, sees Morgan's wife is in a critical condition and asks the child where her father is. She tells him she does not know. The sheriff, hearing a sound above him, is about to fire his revolver into the loft, when the girl confesses that her father is above.
Jim had been away a long time. Pretty Marjie dressed herself in her very best when she heard that the boys had gone to the station to bring home the college chap. Jim arrived, climbed into a ranch outfit and felt at home once more. The boys decided to give him a party.
Steve, ambitious to outstrip his rivals, Slim and Tex, in a race for Betty's hand, orders a dress-snit by mail. The spike-tail is an awful fit and Steve retires from Betty's inspection anything but pleased. He gives the "fixins" to a Mexican, who in turn suffers from the hands of the populace when he makes his appearance in public, and is finally suspiciously pursued by a posse.
Broncho Billy, owner of a saloon in Big Horn City, is trusted implicitly by the miners in the surrounding territory. Several of them have gathered at the bar, when Broncho Billy receives a note, stating that the stage-coach will not stop at Big Horn until the following day. The men request Broncho Billy to keep their gold until the coach arrives.