The story of a decent, law-abiding saloon owner who gets himself in trouble with the corrupt city fathers when he attempts to close down the town's watering holes at midnight and on Sundays.
"Pep" Pepper, a romantic cowboy whose faculty for dreaming loses him his job, tries to emulate Don Quixote's courage after reading the Spanish classic.
Jefferson Todd and Louis Castiga, brothers-in-law, come to blows on a Mississippi River steamer when Todd discovers Castiga's presence there with a woman.
After Wes Channing's partner, the feckless Buck Littleton, loses his half-interest in their ranch to gambler Flash Denby, Wes stands up against the sheriff's men when they try to seize the ranch-- land that has a gold mine on it. Denby tries to trick Mary Sims, granddaughter of Wes's neighbor Rufe Sims, into signing over the rights to the land. Denby's machinations are all set in order-- but Wes's right hook may prove to be a hell of a monkey wrench!
One of The Adventures of Bill and Bob shorts. The brothers enjoy exploring the wilds and sighting different animals, ending their day with some impromptu fishing.
Sayres and his outlaw gang operate out of a town just across the border and out of the jurisdiction of the Texas Rangers. Ranger Bob Allen is sent across the border where he poses as an outlaw hoping to lure the gang back into Texas. He gets into Sayres' gang displacing the gang boss but the disgruntled ex-boss is able to expose the hoax and Bob is made a prisoner.
Dan Claibourne refuses to fight against his state when Tennessee secedes during the Civil War preliminaries. His sweetheart brands him a traitor. Dan joins Morgan's raiders of the Confederate Army and gets an opportunity to rescue the girl during a raid.
A large caravan of settlers attempt to cross the Oregon Trail. German-language version of The Big Trail (1930) with an alternate cast and co-director. Bill Coleman (named Breck Coleman in the U.S. version) leads settlers in covered wagons Westward, across the prairie and mountains.
One of the bloodiest battles in American history is brought to life in this rarely-seen silent blockbuster. Over 3,000 extras were employed to recreate General George Custer's last stand against the Indian forces led by Crazy Horse.
According to the justice of the Wild West, thieves must be punished. But when the sheriff's horse breaks, and there is no-one to oversee justice, it's hard to forecast if justice stays justice.