Buck Stevens, an outlaw, escapes from the county jail, but is speedily captured and locked up again. In more ways than one Buck is shown kindness by the sheriff, who urges him to serve his time. A few years later, when Buck is released, he reads that there is a reward for the capture of one Dare Devil Kelly, hiding in Snake Canon. The sheriff is incapacitated through injury to his ankle and after vainly calling for volunteers to go after the bad man, the sheriff gives Buck the chance.
Broncho's former wife writes a note to him shortly before her death, asking him to forgive her, also the other man. Broncho is heartbroken at hearing of her death, and his memory takes him back to the days when they were happily married. Then this scoundrel came into her life and finally succeeded in parting them.
Henry Carter, a forester, has but one falling, that of drink. Despite his efforts to cure himself of his terrible habit, temptation is always stronger than his will, and Agnes, his daughter, is in despair. Finally persuaded to take treatment at a sanitarium by Rev. Small, Carter decides to give it a trial.
Old Jim Lacey and his daughter operate a stagecoach in the west. One day, Alice, the girl, meets Tom Percival, a prospector, green from the east, and they fall in love. A few weeks later Tom writes Alice that he has struck it rich and for her to accompany her father on the stagecoach that day and she can ride with him to the claim office.
Steve Jameson, a cowboy, is having a lonely meal on the range one day when suddenly he is surprised by a stranger, who rushes covertly out of the bushes and begs him, in an excited manner, for food. The newcomer is a Mexican and his strange demeanor and excited manner suggest to Steve that he is a fugitive.
Young Jim Logan, a miner at the "Little Jonny" mine, is in financial straits owing to the long illness of his wife. Other misfortunes follow when Jim learns of the discontent of other miners and their grumbling at the present wage scale they are receiving. It is finally decided to make demands to the mine owners
Broncho Billy, sheriff of Cheyenne County, in love with Marguerite Clayton, is accepted by her. Marguerite's father approves of the engagement. Little did Broncho Billy know the father of the girl he is going to marry is a notorious outlaw. After holding up a stage one day, Clayton is pursued by the sheriff and his posse.
Jim Reed, an outlaw, holds up a stagecoach, but is seen by a horseman, who hastily rides to the sheriff's office and shortly after, the sheriff and posse are in pursuit. Finding the trail of the desperado they follow him through a dense woods on the mountainside before he is aware that he is being pursued. He easily eludes them and comes across a miner's hut.
Gordon Olcott, an eastern millionaire, goes west and examines large tracts of land with the view of purchasing a tract, intending to build a summer home. After selecting a suitable tract, covering several thousands of acres, he learns that a miner, working a claim on a portion of his tract has refused to vacate.
A girl deserts her cowboy sweetheart and marries a gambler. In a short time she realizes her mistake and is thrust from the house when ill. Vainly she tries to induce her husband to take her back, but he refuses and she falls by the wayside in a dying condition, where she is found by her former lover. After she dies he hunts out her husband, forces him to go to the house and see her body and then gives him the choice of a vial of poison or bullets from is revolvers.
Unable to apprehend a certain daring outlaw, who had for the second time successfully held up an express train, the general manager of the road employs the services of a well-known detective to hunt down the bad man. Clarington, the detective, visits the scene of the hold-up, and decides that the outlaw must still be in the vicinity
Wilton Shaw, a young author, has been advised by his physician to go west for his health and the opening scenes of this picture finds him in a little town in Montana, seeking board and lodging. Jim Walker, a backwoodsman, offers him a home with him and his wife, and he accepts. Arriving at the rough hut of the Walkers, Shaw is introduced to Walker's wife.
Young Gilbert Randel, an American surveyor, is sent to Mexico with a construction gang, and quartered in a small Mexican village, meets Pepita, a beautiful Mexican girl, with whom he falls in love. After frequent visit to the cottage of Pepita, Gilbert proposes to the girl and she consents to the marriage.
To err is human, but in the end, goodness of heart will prevail and the one who has committed an offense against man-made laws may come out of the mire and develop into a law abiding and god-fearing citizen. Broncho Billy, from being one of the most desperate characters in the west, is reformed through the kind treatment accorded him at the hands of the sheriff and his wife, and is made deputy.
Ned and Jack, two western boys, are both in love with the pretty daughter of their employer, who, liking both, is unsettled as to which of them she will accept. She finally decides upon Jack and not desiring to hurt Ned's feelings, proposes to her father that she and Jack be married secretly.
Harvey Barton, a young cowboy, is happily in love with Kate Bowers, a pretty western girl. One day he calls at her home, shows her a handbill advertising a barn dance to be held at one of the nearby ranches, and asks her to go with him. On his way back to the ranch he comes upon a beautiful young woman, whose horse has met with an accident and Harvey dismounts and bashfully asks her if he can be of any assistance. She accepts his help and invites him to accompany her home. She is inclined to flirt and easily turns the foolish young cowpuncher's head, and the meeting ends with him inviting her to accompany him to the dance.
Young Jack Farson, the foreman on the "Bar O" ranch, is in love with Alice Walton, daughter of his employer. Alice rejects the young cowpuncher, but asks in a kindly way that they continue as good friends and nothing else. One day, while out on a canter, the spirited horse stubbornly refuses to ford a stream, and becoming angry endeavors to throw his fair rider.
Joe Fuller, the outlaw and bandit, draws rein at a humble cottage and begs refreshment. The traditional hospitality of the west is at once shown him by Jane White, who is alone in the house at the time, with her baby daughter. The bandit is given food and drink, while he is eating which, the baby takes a child-like fancy to him.
Dan Warrington, an outlaw, is captured by the sheriff, after the former had held up a stagecoach, and is sent to jail. After the sheriff has placed his captive under guard he goes home and is welcomed by his little daughter, a child of five. Not long after the sheriff is notified of the escape of Warrington