Some of the most sanguinary feuds in America have been fought out, not in the mountains of the south, but on the deserts of the great west, where cattlemen and sheepmen often dealt out death to each other with the aid of their old friends, Winchester and Colt. Such a feud is in progress between the men of the desert when Jack, a nomadic cowboy, wanders into the scene. He is outspoken against the outlawry, and the sheriff, in jest, hands him his badge and asks him if he can do any better. Jack accepts the challenge and arrests one of the most recent slayers.
Mustang and Slim are on very friendly terms. The same may be said of their wives, and when Slim's wife warns him that it is Friday the 13th and beware of friendship, he scorns her.
Denny O'Hara marries Eileen O'Connor. He learns his elderly mother has been evicted. He finds her dead and sets out to kill the landlord and finds him already dead. A local priest urges him to flee to America fearing he will be accused of landlord's death.
Dick, an easterner, comes west to try his luck at mining. No sooner does he arrive than Hartley, the local gambler and all-around villain, commences to make sport at his expense. Dick endeavors to bear it patiently, but a clash is inevitable, until the arrival at the village store of Mary Brown, one whom all held in respect, excepting Hartley.
The Brockton clan considers the mountain Little Smoky their own, but then the government comes in and declares it a forest and game preserve. This doesn't stop the family, who swears they will do what they want with the land.
Cowpoke Magpie desires marriage thinking the way to go is to write to a matrimonial agency but his buddy, Dirtyshirt finally dissuades him. However, to get even with him when they have a disagreement, he mails the agency one of the touching missives Magpie has written and filed away. It elicits a tremendous response, and the would-be brides descend upon Magpie all from the same stagecoach. Meantime he and Dirtyshirt have fallen in love with the new girl at the local store. The applicants, however, will not be denied, and pursue Magpie vigorously. Dirtyshirt and Magpie, each unknown to the other, propose to the new girl at the store and advance her the necessary money to bring her mother West. Each is to meet her at the office of the Justice of the Peace at four o'clock in the afternoon. The two arrive there at the same time only to see the fair damsel emerging with the dashing local haberdasher.
Maria Lopez is the daughter of an American mother and a Mexican father, who is the head of a band of insurgents. As a child, she was kidnapped by her father and raised south of the border to hate gringos. She begins to like them a lot better when, during an escape from some Mexican "Rurals," she crosses the border and is captured by Texas Ranger Danny O'Neil. He lets her go, and they fall in love, but their romance is interrupted when she hears that her father has been captured by Americans.
After discovering a rich silver deposit, Luke Hughes draws a map to his mine and plans on recording the claim. During his journey to the registrar's office, however, Luke is set upon by a bandit who steals the map.
The hero, a stranger in a Western town, falls in love with an Innocent girl he discovers in a wine room. He wins her after several clashes with the villain, who also loves her.
Indians have taken lovely Ruth Bryson prisoner, but handsome Bob Benson, who has managed to locate the secret entrance to the memorial altar room, and attempts a rescue in the nick of time!
Jack Austin is a champion rodeo contestant who befriends and falls in love with a touring concert singer. She, in turn, comes to his aid when an attempt, by Chuck Wallace and his henchman Latigo Jack, is made to steal Jack's rodeo winnings.